Customer Experience (CX)
We help you understand your customers, your employees and plan the most advanced loyalty program in your industry. We collaborate with the Design of Services, the User Experience and that of your Clients.
We help you understand your customers, your employees and plan the most advanced loyalty program in your industry. We collaborate with the Design of Services, the User Experience and that of your Clients.
We offer "OnDemand" Applied Neuroscience studies to improve your UX, SD, CX or TD applications, services and programs with Neuromarketing.
We build them according to your needs and always oriented to the KPIs that your business needs.
How mature is the experience that banks offer their customers? We have evaluated the 9 best banks in Chile, Colombia and Spain with 15 UX experts, as well as an analysis of a EyeTracking prediction to diagnose the digital experience they offer. The report covers 5 dimensions: Functional, Trust, Usability, Learnability and Enjoyable.
We offer products designed to facilitate research, VOC plan and we also train in the application of AIM Framework in UX, SD and CX. Access 100% remote workshops and courses, made to solve specific problems in your teams, projects or company.
Affective Interactions Model (AIM) is a framework designed to diagnose the customer experience that is offered to people, allowing to define strategic improvements and build a new story that allows sharing a new narrative; Developing a story with clients.
It was co-created by Alexis Brantes and Juan José Elizondo in 2018, validated in 2019 and published in 2020 in the book ¿Por qué fallan los servicios? Affective Interaction Model Framework. At UserEmotion we apply it as the basis for our UX, SD and CX services, offering a methodology with a defined ROI.